There are NO "Western and Central Europe" maps now at under 2GB (they are now just called "Europe" by the way)
PS which actual countries MUST you have and what navcore/application are you running...latest/current/official 9.510?
Hallo i have a tomtom xxl navigation with west-central map but canīt found this map as one. I have internal flash 2GB and no SD
There are NO "Western and Central Europe" maps now at under 2GB (they are now just called "Europe" by the way)
PS which actual countries MUST you have and what navcore/application are you running...latest/current/official 9.510?
Last edited by biggerdave; 16th April 2014 at 04:14 PM.
Please do not post "thanks" but use the "reputation" star(*) bottom/left or "like" bottom/left buttonsS i m p l e s
PS If you find any dead links on MY posts please pm me & I'll try to fix/reload
Western_and_Central_Europe_2GB _920_5226 (1,90 GB) ALG + IQ Routes Navcore 9
Spoiler: Maps
Pass: Mazul
Last edited by QUIN1965; 21st April 2014 at 09:50 AM.