first of all I'ld like to say that I am new to the forum and to the GPS technology.
So if you could help me with the maps, that would be really appreciated.
I recently bought an used Tomtom One 3rd Edition and I installed the software (Tomtom Home), where I was informed that I should buy the neu maps (the 945.6243).
My current Version is 8010 (in the Folder as DE_AT_CH-10.meta and DE_AT_CH-10.meta.dct). So I searched Internet and I found the post 'Using v945 maps without metas available' and I have downloaded the files. According to the Chart, that should be ok.
Actually I don't understand .meta files, what are they, and if I don't understand the procedute that is described. Which file should I copy where and with one is the 'aktivated' meta file and how do I activate the new map.
Please if someone could describe the exact process, I would appreciate it much.
In advance thank you very much.