Is it a prob to wait several minutes after "cold" start and sync your clock?
PS If device only "switched off" (without "reset" via paperclip) - clock stays as it was, and satellites are fixed. If "reset" was made - for sure it loses satellites, and clock jumps to "00:00" (or 03:00 in my case).
Question to all users of DSA navcores: who has already successfully used the option "QuickGPSfix" of SdkRegistry with GO x20, x30, x40 or x50 (navcore 9.702 SE and/or DSA)?
Last edited by Jogger62; 5th May 2019 at 06:19 PM.
Jogger62. On the DSA interface click on the help button and you will know everything.
Copy paste this link
C:/Program Files (x86)/
and click enter.(requires that the DSA be installed on your system).
Link is working.
Spoiler: screenshot
You need to differentiate the terms:
- link is not working
- link is blocked
In some countries (currently Turkey, UK, Ita & Germany) zippy or some other sites are blocked. You need to use some VPN service, or Opera/Tor browsers, or find some other ways. use google howto.
Last edited by Boki; 1st June 2019 at 04:07 PM.
Hi all, I'm struggling for any information that relates to the Go910 week rollover issue. Or the Go910 in fact...
The symptoms after the rollover are every 20 seconds it wakes up and repositions after claiming the GPS signal went for 1-2sec, which of course it didn't - as I had 12 satellites tracked at the time.
Tomtom have kindly informed me that they'll not be making a fix but I can have a 20% discount for a new one - assuming I want to invest in a product from the firm that doesn't want to fix my current box. Not hugely impressed TBH.
I downloaded the glgps.rar file, connected up the USB to the Go910 and had a browse of the filesystem. In there is nothing called glgps or navcore or anything I can relate to. I've looked over the turorials but still can't really work out what a navcore is or if the Go910 is fixeable.
This was the bin directory on it:
Mac[48] ls -lash /Volumes/TomTom\ Disk/bin/
total 5216
32 drwxrwxrwx 1 gpw staff 16K 31 Mar 2012 .
32 drwxrwxrwx@ 1 gpw staff 16K 4 Jun 22:02 ..
256 -rwxrwxrwx 1 gpw staff 113K 31 Mar 2012 mp3d
704 -rwxrwxrwx 1 gpw staff 343K 31 Mar 2012 obexftpd
4192 -rwxrwxrwx 1 gpw staff 2.0M 31 Mar 2012 syncml
I.e. one program to play music, one big program possibly to run the box and what looks like possible an ftp server.
Is there any where I should be reading up on this? I've looked for a couple of days but can't seem to relate what I see from the USB to what people discuss about navcore, bootstrap versions or filenames - my 910 just seems to have a bunch of unrelated stuff on my disk.
Any suggestions please?
sorry for trying to be helpful.
I would have differentiated between "not working and blocked" had I known there was a blocking. however I was totally unaware of this as I do not use Zippyshare. the message I received was that the content wasn't available, no reason or explanation, therefore the assumption was that the link was not working because the content was not displayed.
Had the blocking notice been displayed in the original post I would no have bothered clicking on the link and wasting my time. you are wrong, the link is still "not working" for me because, as has now been explained it is blocked therefore by definition it is not working.
I will in future refrain from being "helpful" and let you sort out your own mistakes.