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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    weel application turns off after "you will arrive at your destination at..."

    Hello to the whole community

    After reading some threads on the forum and having made my presentation, I come to put my problem, thanks in advance to someone who can help.
    I have a SAMSUNG A52 5G with android 11 that didn't have TOMTOM installed.
    After some time I managed to install NDS MOD v.1.9.6.(2)MOD
    by david0vich and getting the maps you wanted from the TOMTOM server. The application worked fine but only for 1 day, now after entering the destination and waiting for the voice to inform you that "you will arrive at your destination at..." the application turns off and the mobile appears on the initial screen.
    Does anyone have a similar problem and have a solution for this?
    Thank you very much

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  3. #2
    Junior Member
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    After several attempts I came to the conclusion the problem is in the sound file "Joana - 64MB", "Portuguese artificial voice (Portugal)". The file must be deleted and the "recorded voice Catarina - 1MB" or "Joaquim - 1 MB" installed, thus having a Portuguese voice from Portugal. The other solution is choosing "Raquel - 67MB" artificial voice Portuguese (Brazil) that works correctly. I hope this info is helpefull for those who had the same problem.
    Last edited by Boki; 19th August 2021 at 09:44 AM. Reason: approved



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