I created another installer, this time for the above Navcore.
Even though some might complain about the big download, I say it is easier to have all versions at hand.
If the selected version does not work for you select a different one from the installer.
Included versions:
9.500 normal: for all devices with 64mb of Ram as the first choice
9.500 Memory Boost: for 32mb devices as the first choice
9.500 Memory Boost HS: for devices that stay silent with the above versions when a voice is selected
9.500 K50: for device that for some reasons won't work with the above versions. It is the same like MBHS, but built with the 9.205 kernel instead.
The emulation can be selected on the last page of the menu - Skin Chooser.
Use the arrows to choose, a double tap in the centre of the screen will confirm and rebbot with the selected emulation.
In case an emulation causes problems and the device won't start:
Edit the file "reskin" in the folder "skins" with an editor like Notepadd++.
Original line looks like this: slf-Self;slf-Self;17-Rider;18-GO x20;25-GO x30;24-GO x40;24-GO x40;36-XL LIVE;37-GO x50
Yours will lokk different, but the selected emulation is always first and always as a double entry!!
To fix the problem simply delete the first entry, which is the one causing you problems, and replace with "slf-Self;slf-Self;", leave the other emulations and check if the work for you.
Delete all problematic emulations or select the prefered one and if no skinn chooser is needed anymore delete the SDKRegistry folder.
Works fine on my 730 in the normal version.
Download the installer here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Original CAB download: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Edit: Added more emulations.
Just download the EXE and start it, the installer will be unpacked and started automatically.
Just noticed on my 730 that in standard emu (x30) I can set the speaker preferences to play instructions over FM.