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  1. #1

    Default Navcore-9.500 (Rider-5)


    Patched version

    Patched pndnavigator
    Patched dll

    Thanks to Nestor

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  3. #2
    Master Downunder35m's Avatar
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    I created another installer, this time for the above Navcore.
    Even though some might complain about the big download, I say it is easier to have all versions at hand.
    If the selected version does not work for you select a different one from the installer.

    Included versions:
    9.500 normal: for all devices with 64mb of Ram as the first choice
    9.500 Memory Boost: for 32mb devices as the first choice
    9.500 Memory Boost HS: for devices that stay silent with the above versions when a voice is selected
    9.500 K50: for device that for some reasons won't work with the above versions. It is the same like MBHS, but built with the 9.205 kernel instead.

    The emulation can be selected on the last page of the menu - Skin Chooser.
    Use the arrows to choose, a double tap in the centre of the screen will confirm and rebbot with the selected emulation.
    In case an emulation causes problems and the device won't start:
    Edit the file "reskin" in the folder "skins" with an editor like Notepadd++.
    Original line looks like this: slf-Self;slf-Self;17-Rider;18-GO x20;25-GO x30;24-GO x40;24-GO x40;36-XL LIVE;37-GO x50
    Yours will lokk different, but the selected emulation is always first and always as a double entry!!
    To fix the problem simply delete the first entry, which is the one causing you problems, and replace with "slf-Self;slf-Self;", leave the other emulations and check if the work for you.
    Delete all problematic emulations or select the prefered one and if no skinn chooser is needed anymore delete the SDKRegistry folder.

    Works fine on my 730 in the normal version.

    Download the installer here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Original CAB download: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Edit: Added more emulations.
    Just download the EXE and start it, the installer will be unpacked and started automatically.

    Just noticed on my 730 that in standard emu (x30) I can set the speaker preferences to play instructions over FM.
    Last edited by Downunder35m; 18th February 2013 at 06:20 AM.
    Password for all my files: downunder

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks for that!
    Will try it on my Urban Rider.
    Don't know if it makes a big difference with the NC9205.

  5. #4


    works like a charm on my rider with 64 mb of ram! thanks a million!

  6. #5
    Master Downunder35m's Avatar
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    Here is a list of possible ModelID's for the use in the reskin file of DSA based Navcores, like mine:
    0: no Menu but navigation screen
    1: not working at all
    2: menu with upside down option, 2 pane status bar
    3: not working at all
    4: menu with upside down option, 2 pane status bar
    5: Rider1
    6: menu with upside down option, 2 pane status bar
    7: menu with upside down option, 2 pane status bar
    8: menu with Ipod control compass and Docking preferences
    9: menu with Ipod control compass and Docking preferences
    10: menu with upside down option, 2 pane status bar
    11: menu with upside down option, 2 pane status bar
    12: not working at all
    13: not working at all
    14: no Menu but navigation screen
    15: not working at all
    16: menu with upside down option, 2 pane status bar
    17: Rider2
    18: Go X20
    19: not working at all
    20: not working at all
    21: not working at all
    22: not working at all
    23: no Menu but navigation screen
    24: Go X40
    25: Go X30
    26: no Menu but navigation screen
    27: no Menu but navigation screen
    28: no Menu but navigation screen
    29: no Menu but navigation screen
    30: no Menu but navigation screen
    31: no Menu but navigation screen
    32: not working at all
    33: menu with upside down option, 2 pane status bar
    34: One
    35: XL
    36: XL Live
    37: Go X50
    38: no Menu but navigation screen
    39: Start
    40: no Menu but navigation screen
    41: no Menu but navigation screen
    42: XXL
    43: Start2
    44: not working at all
    45: not working at all
    46: Rider3? Rider5?
    47: no Menu but navigation screen
    48: no Menu but navigation screen
    49: no Menu but navigation screen
    50: no Menu but navigation screen
    51: no Menu but navigation screen
    52: no Menu but navigation screen
    53: no Menu but navigation screen
    54: no Menu but navigation screen
    55: no Menu but navigation screen
    56: no Menu but navigation screen
    57: no Menu but navigation screen
    58: no Menu but navigation screen
    59: no Menu but navigation screen
    60: no Menu but navigation screen

    The ID's with no menu can use a tomtom.mnu .
    I can't see a difference between 17 and 46 on my device.
    The non working ID's might work on other devices as for example 39 for the Start2 doesn't not work my 730 either - so feel free to test those on your device and report back if you find working ones.
    A complete reskinf iles could look like this:
    slf-Self;slf-Self;5-Rider1;6-UpDown;;17-Rider2;18-GO x20;24-GO x40;25-GO x30;34-One;34-ONE;35-XL;36-XL LIVE;37-GO x50;39-Start;42-XXL;43-Start2;46-Rider3

    Feel free to use this info, but leave credits if posting elsewhere please.
    Password for all my files: downunder

  7. #6
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    On my Urban Rider it only shows, 5, 17, 18, 24, 25, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 42 and 43.
    It runs on sim 17 which is the Rider 3 imo. If you check Google for Rider 5 pics there are more options in the quick menu.

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misfit View Post
    On my Urban Rider it only shows, 5, 17, 18, 24, 25, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 42 and 43.
    It runs on sim 17 which is the Rider 3 imo. If you check Google for Rider 5 pics there are more options in the quick menu.
    Misfit, it written before.
    Not a 100% copy from the TTR 5 , just DSA make from cab 9500.

    Downunder ,can you give some info ?

    Greets from Olland to Frietenland.

  9. #8
    Master Downunder35m's Avatar
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    1. it is a 100% Rider5 NC, being created with the DSA tool makes no difference.
    The DSA tool only enable the NC to be used in other emulations and on unsupported devices.
    2. correct, further checks showed 46 is in fact the Urban Rider, not the Rider5.
    3. Some info? About? We have over 35° now for over two weeks in a row, hottest summer on record....
    4. It seems that the Rider5 Emu is either only working on the Rider5 (one of the not working ID's) or that the Rider5 ID is higher than 60 (unlikely though).
    Password for all my files: downunder

  10. #9
    GPSPower Helper Navcore-9.500 (Rider-5)
    Navcore-9.500 (Rider-5)
    QUIN1965's Avatar
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    Hello navcore 9500 rider fit all rider greeting here
    Navc. 9500 DSA All Rider
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