Excellent ....
Voice - The Simpsons Mr. Burns (meters)
Mr. Burns
The voice of C. Montgomery Burns, the evil, ancient, money-grubbing overlord of Springfield's Nuclear Power Plant, is now available for your TomTom device.
Just make sure you follow his every command or he'll release the hounds! Excellent.
; data113_Mr. Burns (Meters)
47 85 00 DC EF CA 35 25 FA A5 C6 D1 D7 6B E3 AD data113.chk
Excellent ....
Thanks. Been looking for this for ages
Does anyone know will this work on Iphone?, sorry if I'm asking a stupid question! I new to this and new iphone user
Thanks p33dro (just trying to get 10 posts so I can contribute properly)
Please do not post "thanks" but use the "reputation" star(*) bottom/left or "like" bottom/left buttonsS i m p l e s
PS If you find any dead links on MY posts please pm me & I'll try to fix/reload
Excellent ....Very good input