TomTom Goodies..Start up & Ending sound clips + splash pics
Original Tomtom sound clips...only 3 in here
My Custom Start Up & Ending sound clips...35 various sound clips here + read me
+ 51 Splash screens
Clips from the Simpsons, Futurama, Tripping the Rift & Family Guy Star Wars movies
list of clips below...character and what is being said
1- Homer Simpson - if you dont use it responsibly..kablamo
2- Homer Simpson - this is a highly sophtimacated doowacky
3- Bart Simpson - eat my shorts
4- Homer Simpson - and why am i here
5- Homer Simpson - argh burn it send it to hell
6- Homer Simpson - doh
7- Homer Simpson - earth to stupid guy hello
8- Homer Simpson - fine then don't use it
9- Homer Simpson - hey everybody look
10- Homer Simpson - hey there meathead what are you watchin'
11- Homer Simpson - i have absolutley no idea whats going on
12- Homer Simpson - i learned from the master
13- Homer Simpson - man how'd i ever live without this thing
14- Homer Simpson - it's green moron
15- Homer Simpson - and we salute you for it, now don't come back
16- Homer Simpson - oh i give up
17- Homer Simpson - once more where are we going
18- Homer Simpson - well i admit it looks bad
19- Homer Simpson - relax i built a bomb shelter
20- Homer Simpson - what you doing here
21- Homer Simpson - what the hell's going on
22- Homer Simpson - so who wants to steal some ferrari's
23- Homer Simpson - allow me i think i have a solution
24- Family Guy (from Something Something Darkside) - oh god nobody's touch me like that for so long
25- Bender - lousy stinking rip-off
26- Bender - Bite my shiney metal a ss
27- Bender - getting an electric shock
28- Bender - if any one asks your my de-bugger
29- Family Guy (from It's A Trap) - light saber sound
30- Futurama - welcome to the world of tomorrow
31- Bender - well were boned
32- Tripping the rift (Chod) - what the, bob whats happening
33- Tripping the rift (Chod) - id give anything to make all this go away [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Click File-hoster Logo for download link.... [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Pac-man splash and suspend custom sounds and antitheftw and splashw screenies
rar size 381kb
Tomtom goodies contents
splashw [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
antitheftw [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Splash custom sound = Inset coin
Suspend custom sound = Game Over [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Click File-hoster Logo for download link.... [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Last edited by CPF1; 25th May 2014 at 08:27 PM.
Reason: Update