You can use *.ov2 that are uncrypted (made by users); you need license to use *.ov2 that are crypted (made by vendor)
The *.ov2 uses gps coords (lon,lat) so they are not "bond" to any map.
any ideas how i can update the speed cameras guys on a car Renault carminat live without having to pay
the speed cameras are located on the sdcard in folder "EUROPE"
they are ov2 files
just i dont know can they be updated manually or they are bond with the maps that i have
Last edited by mitejan; 6th April 2019 at 10:36 PM.
You can use *.ov2 that are uncrypted (made by users); you need license to use *.ov2 that are crypted (made by vendor)
The *.ov2 uses gps coords (lon,lat) so they are not "bond" to any map.
Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.
thanks for the reply so i had a bit of success with the SCDB cameras as POI provided from this post [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
but once i enable them from the poi menu the device slows down a lot when moving the map so i wonder if this is the case because those are world speed cameras but i need only for UK
on another note the stock tomtom speed camera ov2 file is not editable and those doesnt work as POI which is much faster on the device
so if i get the speed cameras ov2 file from another renault user and the license i could make it work like this way?