HNR- House numbering feature
Abbreviations & Words for Dummies
Commonly refered to as navcore or App or OS
Advanced Lane Guidance, pictorial representation of major junctions
Address Speech Recognition ( aka voice input navigation )
blowfish code
this is the alpha numeric code that forms the meta text
bluetooth, data transfer technology linking multiple devices for info sharing
file downloaded from TomTom containing all basic system file for specific devices
Crac king
process by which, maps can be used with 'patched' navcore
files used for Spoken Address Navigation feature
these are the files that 'activate's maps & speed camera files, created by keygen
download container for use with jDownloader/Cryptload programs - encrypted file list
file used by TomTom Home to run OpMyGo emulator - requires patching same as App/navcore
prepared file containing optimum files & setup ready made for ease of installation
Programs that can Crac k v6/v7/v8 maps , voices and Speedcams and patch navcores
Programs that can Crac k v6/v7/v8 maps , voices and Speedcams
collection of programs that can Crac k v6/v7/v8 maps and patch v7 navcores
Enhanced POI
Enhanced Positioning Technology, continues to calculate position after signal loss
term used for when device GPS location has been determined ( aka lock )
HD Traffic
High Definition Traffic.TT Live Service, much more detailed Traffic Status reports
HNRHouse Numbering. It's for Russia and Greece that do not use a conventional numbering system in some areas.
IQ Routes
Intelligent Quick Routes, uses statistical analysis of 'real' users to plot best route
a piece of software used for processing encrypted links in dlc files
program that creates a code/file to activate/unlock maps & speed cameras, etc
aka fix ( device GPS location is known )
meta text
a unique code (the blowfish) thats needed to Patc_hing a map
alternative name for Application or OS
modifies the App to permit use of 'Crake d' maps
Point of Interest, file containing specific groups of 'marked' locations
progs folder
where easyusertools copy of the meta text files for maps is placed
main system file ( usually found on XLrequires patching instead of ttsystem, when present )
regularly updated file containing GPS data for quicker positioning fix
Radio Data System
SE (versions)
Specially adapted CABs from TTuser to permit new App to run on older devices
Traffic Message Channel
Text To Speech - enhanced Voice output for greater detailed instructions
main system file on most devices & usually the file for patching ( see PNDNavigator )
SE navcore configuration files used to alter the running/setup of installed system files
Navcore Truck
There is a special navcore & Western and Central Europe map for large vehicles.
Last edited by P33dro; 15th February 2011 at 06:49 AM.
HNR- House numbering feature
My own summary/list:-
Activating:- see crac king below
ALG:- Advanced Lane Guidance (pictorial representation of major junctions)
ASR:- Address Speech Recognition (voice input navigation)
Blowfish code:- The alpha/numeric code that forms the meta text
Bootloader:- See system file below
CAB:- Files downloaded from TomTom with all the basic system files for specific devices
ccf:- Encrypted download container for use with Cryptload
Clones: Identical maps (only the meta & pna are different) so if you have any one of them, you don't need another
Crac king:- Creating a dct file to activate maps/premium speedcams/premium voices/fuel
cspeech:- Files inside the high-end maps used for ASR
dct:- These are the files that “crac k/activate” maps/premium speedcams/premium voices/fuel
Device id:- Unique 2 x 5 alphanumeric code for your device. DO NOT SHARE THIS AS IT IS TRACEABLE TO YOU
dlc:- Encrypted download container for use with jDownloader
dll:- File used by TomTom Home to run OperateMyGo emulator
EPT:- Enhanced Positioning Technology, continues to calculate position after signal loss (in tunnels etc)
HD Traffic:- High Definition Traffic (Live Services)
HNR:- House Numbering generally used in Russia and Greece that do not use a conventional numbering system in some areas
IQ Routes:- Intelligent Quick Routes, uses statistical analysis of 'real' users to plot best route
LoquendoTTS:- original TT voice files required for TTS
Map Folder: the actual folder containing all the map files etc (see Nesting)
meta text:- Unique blowfish code that’s needed to crac k a map/premium speedcams/premium voices/fuel
Navcore:- Alternative name for the Application or Operating System (software)
Nesting:- Common error of putting one map FOLDER inside another map FOLDER
Patching:- Modifying the Navcore (ttsystem file) to enable use of “crac ked” maps etc
PNDNavigator:- Main system file usually found on older devices (requires patching instead of ttsystem, when present)
SE/DSA/x- navcores:- Special Edition navcores adapted to run on devices not designed for them
switchfiles:- Some SE navcores incl these configuration files to alter the running/setup of installed system files
system file:- The bootloader file necessary to boot up the device
TTS:- Text To Speech (enhanced voice output for greater detailed instructions)
ttsystem file:- Main system file on most devices & usually the file for patching (see PNDNavigator)
VocaliserTTS:- lower quality (than Loquendo) voice files required for TTS on older devices
Error message "No maps found":- normally means your navcore is not patched
Error message "You can not use this map on this device":- nomally means your map is not crac ked/activated
Maybe more to follow.......
Last edited by biggerdave; 10th September 2013 at 05:03 PM.
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