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  1. #1
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    Default Installing truck navcore and map on TomTom IQ XL2

    I'm unsure of the steps I need to follow to get my XL2 to run truck maps etc... I only need the UK map
    if anyone can post a step by step I'd really appreciate it

    Regards and TIA


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  3. #2
    TomTom Expert Installing truck navcore and map on TomTom IQ XL2
    Installing truck navcore and map on TomTom IQ XL2
    biggerdave's Avatar
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    I don't think your device has an SD/MicroSD card slot so it's a non-starter.... BUT...if you have, then read on:-

    Sadly there's no UK Truck map, only the full Europe_Truck which we can't share download links for on this particular forum. however, see my post #10 here for maps etc [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Assuming you have a 4Gb SD card then you'll need either the 9.701 or 9.702 Truck navcore to run these maps from here [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Tutorials are all here [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Last but not least, if you don't have the memory but must have Truck map then buy a cheapo XL or an x20/x30/x40/x50 from eBay
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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggerdave View Post
    I don't think your device has an SD/MicroSD card slot so it's a non-starter.... BUT...if you have, then read on:-

    Sadly there's no UK Truck map, only the full Europe_Truck which we can't share download links for on this particular forum. however, see my post #10 here for maps etc [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Assuming you have a 4Gb SD card then you'll need either the 9.701 or 9.702 Truck navcore to run these maps from here [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Tutorials are all here [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Last but not least, if you don't have the memory but must have Truck map then buy a cheapo XL or an x20/x30/x40/x50 from eBay
    Thanks for the reply, unfortunately your'e right there is no SD card slot on this model. I did buy it on Ebay but failed to do the research first.. thinking one XL is the same as another. In my defence I was distracted by it's price and the fact it was sold still in its sealed box... Not to mention the fact it was cheap... It looks like I'll have to resell it and follow your recommendations.
    Again thanks



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